Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bravo...good job!

It has been almost 1 year and still struggling with the current project, realization of the 1147.5MW Sugen Combined Cycle Power Plant(Torrent Power Limited), the project that has been long waiting by the sate government of Gujarat in Surat City, India after been delaying for few years.
1 block has been handed over a couple of weeks ago and 2 more blocks to go. 1 block consisting of a unit of Gas Turbine Siemens V94.3A capacity of 268MW(at 15C ambient temperature), a unit of Steam Turbine capacity of 130MW, a unit of Hydrogen Cooled Generator capacity of 384Mvar of appearance power driven by a common shaft(single shaft with triple S clucth), the one and only of it kind(single shaft combined cycle) in Indian Continent so far.
It's been a great honour to my group(operation and technical team) that the first block was able to be delivered on time(even couple of weeks earlier than expected). Bravo! A great effort, a great teamwork, what a great management team we have. Parties after parties we had gone through(turning gear, first fire, fire syncronization, Steam Turbine in combine cycle operation, completion of Reliablity Test Run, Final Acceptance Test). Finally efforts getting paid!
Life has go on, nobody knows where is their next project, you want the place you go or you dislike the place you also have to go with no choices or you got fired! This is a part commissioning life, time is no limited, must be fully focused, fully fitted, no family affair, no enjoyment, no shopping, less sleep most of the time and working life always pushing up to the limit...BIG SCRIFACTION are required most of the times in order to succeed.

See you all later...adiosssssssssss

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Borneo's double celebrations "gayu-guru, gerai-nyamai" (long life, health and prosperity)

Selamat menyambut Hari Tadzau Keamatan dan Gawai Dayak kepada rakan rakan Pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak, pada 31 Mei dan 1 Jun , esok lusa tulat...
I wish all you guys out there a very happy Tadzau Kaamatan and Gawai Dayak day. So where ever you are, what ever you are doing remember the joy of the celebration and always remember to drive carefully and of course don’t drink and drive.
What is Tadzau Kaamatan? an annual event in the cultural life of the Kadazandusuns of Sabah since time immemorial. In its deepest sense, Kaamatan festival is a manifestation of Creator and Creation relationship, as well as Inter-Creations relationship. It embodies the principal acts of invocation of divinities, appeasing, purification and restoration, re-union of benevolent spirits, and thanksgiving to the Source of All. It is part of a complex wholesome Momolian religious system centered on the paddy rites of passage and the life cycle of Bambarayon- the in-dwelling spirit of paddy.

What is Gawai Dayak? a festival celebrated in Sarawak on 1 June every year. It is both a religious and social occasion. The word Gawai means a ritual or festival whereas Dayak is a collective name for the native ethnic groups of Sarawak: Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, and Lun Bawang among others. Thus, Gawai Dayak literally means "Dayak Festival". Dayak would visit their friends and relatives on this day. Such visit is more commonly known as "ngabang" in the Iban language. Those too far away to visit would receive greeting cards.
Most importantly....." Dont drink and drive...say no to alcohol"